December 31, 2018

Another Unsung Hero, Wayne Harris and 6AM Marketing, Lends Helping Hand to KWW/CF/Heat and Housing for Heroes

Marketing agency’s support helps nonprofit thrive

Wayne Harris of 6AM Marketing, shown here accepting the award for Volunteer of the Year from KWW/CF Chief Spokesperson and Founder, Tim Bruer at the 17th Annual KWW/CF Charity Golf Classic and Silent Auction.


All it took was for Wayne Harris to experience firsthand the thousands of veterans living across Wisconsin without heat every winter.

Harris, an Army Reservist Vietnam War-era veteran and the president of Madison-based 6AM Marketing, has long been a supporter and partner with the Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund and Heat and Housing for Heroes. He caught wind of the many who are forced to decide between heat and affording meals through a former employee whose daughter returned from a deployment in Iraq and found herself in that very situation.

“I couldn’t believe the issue that when veterans come home from serving, they find themselves in that situation,” Harris said.

So, he took matters into his own hands and “jumped in with both feet,” he said. He offered to help KWWCF/Heat and Housing for Heroes, the brainchild of ESI Executive Director Tim Bruer, as much as he could and offered his full support.

“Wayne has always generously supported our mission and purpose,” Bruer said. “He’s one of the rare individuals that is probably the first to roll up his sleeves, check his ego at the door, and unselfishly give of himself.”

Harris’ involvement with KWWCF/Heat and Housing for Heroes includes volunteering his marketing agency to the nonprofit, building and maintaining its website ( and assisting with marketing needs.

“If they need something, we take care of it,” Harris said. “It’s an honor to be able to help our veterans.”

Harris got involved with KWWCF/Heat and Housing for Heroes after meeting with Bruer about five years ago. He was immediately interested in the cause.

“The more people that we can help, the better,” Harris said. “Kids and families should not have to go without heat or air conditioning.”

While KWWCF/Heat and Housing for Heroes has continued to grow, Bruer said that success wouldn’t be possible without the support of Harris and 6AM Marketing.

“Wayne just has this tremendous ability to bring people together,” he said. “Without question, he’s been a major key to our growth and success.” It’s not just Harris who has gotten behind the organization, though. The employees at 6AM Marketing have been eager to show their support for KWWCF/Heat and Housing for Heroes and in-need veterans and their families.

“My employees really enjoy helping out,” he said. “They don’t do this because their boss tells them to, they do it gladly because they understand how important this is.

I’m very proud of the folks I’ve worked with because they understand the importance of this, and they jump in and help out.”

Harris also co-chairs the Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund’s Golf Classic & Silent Auction. He said being a big part of the event is an “honor,” and he looks forward to it every year.

“It’s probably one of the most successful golf outings throughout Wisconsin,” Harris said. “Our supporters all understand the need. Many of them grew up in situations without heat or air conditioning and understand how that effects one’s ability to function well.”

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